the flow of one girl's creative journey

I am free to create, so it shall be.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Forever and a Day

Well, once again, it has been FAR too long since I have posted any images.  I have gotten inundated with being mother, nail tech, hair stylist, movie costume maker, and have neglected my outfit documentation and blogging...which are 2 of my favorite things in the world to do!  AH!

I got a new hair cut several months back, it was begun by my own hand but I have had a few other stylist trim and shape it now and then.  It has had a few different incarnations since first it began, and here are a few of them ^_^

right after i first cut it...with no clue how to style and too scared to cut off hte 8 to 10 inces that were dead and fried...

 better idea of how to style

starting to experiment with my waving iron.  this was my favorite color I had it.   its the only shade of blond I have ever liked.

quite possibly one of my favorite images of me...yes I think I will be going back to this shade again. 
Maybe this spring ^_^

after I went dark for a color class at work. it was jarring to go from the red blond to a medium red brown.  got loads of compliments on it though, and eventually I got comfortable with it.  I like it now, however I couldnt see it when I first got it done. 


Ren Faire!  I had colored it in the coppery shade the night previous. 

got rid of the side bits and took it into a real pixie.  The babe was yanking out the strands in chunks anyhow so  saved my head the bald spot and her the scolding!

not my favorite incarnation...cut with out recoloring and I decided to try a trend look but it wasnt with in my confidence boundaries to pull it off.

 not bad from this angle tho...ha ha

this was most recent, in November.  I had yet to take the plunge and cut off the bits that were fried so I opted to tuck it into a french twist and Pompadore the top ^_^

I had it cut to my collar bones since then, and with some tweaking on the ends and a fresh color I will take some more images to share. 

Hope you have all been well and look for more posts soon!  I am going to try to recap the past months in some of the pictures I was able to take as well as update Runa's blog since I have also been sorely neglecting it as well!


  1. I think I like the wavy and the last picture best. I hope you are enjoying being a Mom. There is nothing like it! xxxooo -T

  2. My favorite is the last picture! You look sooo freaking glamorous! =)

  3. Yes I agree I thi.k I will be wearing it wavy again for a while! It finally has had all the dead cut out so its a little shorter than I lime it but thank goodmess for healthy hair!
