the flow of one girl's creative journey

I am free to create, so it shall be.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Birthday Treats ^_^

I had a totally laid back and easy birthday, and it was just perfect.  ^_^

I treated myself to these these lovelies that were on super sale at a steal price of $5...fine Italian vintage leather shoes....DYING to try them with some flare pants I am working on refitting.  Check out Honey Comb Bridal on Etsy!

I got a Kohl's gift card also, and so I decided that Runa and I would make that trek today and see what we could see.  I usually have success with their clearance shoe section.  I scored these Vera Wang wedges over Christmas one year, the last pair in my size!!

While I was looking for me I came across these beauties, which are the shorter version of a shoe I own.  Basically the millionth knock off of the original Chloe Sevigny bootie that SLAUGHTERED the heart of any girl with a lick of taste.  My mom had said how much she liked them twice so at a fraction of the original retail tag of over $70, I couldn't resist picking them up for her at $14.99

Found these for myself, and (this goes for all the shoe shots) I think they are more attractive shoes in person.  Also $14.99 marked down from over $70.  ^_^  Saved over $120 by shopping the sale with a gift card!!  Yay for thrifty spending!!

I also bought myself a new glass sculpture, and am currently hunting the proper plants to go in it.  ^_^  I picked up hair color for 5 different people today!!  Feel so excited to be partially back to life as usual.  Lots of stuff going on in our busy little life. 

Tomorrow my husband and I are going to get matching nautilus shell tattoos.  I have a plan for the matching one later...when I have more money and a solid drawing/ideas.  That's at 1 pm tomorrow with Visual Addiction in Carlisle, PA.

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